The History Report allows you to quickly get a sense of the density and distribution of specific data, for example Machine Revenue data.
You can select specific types of data and have the system create a histogram that displays your selected data type, and it's distribution over a period of time that you specify:

Note: Both the 7 days, and the 6 months, history report will bring you to the same history report page.
The only difference between them are the start and end dates that the report defaults to when first loaded.
You can always change the date ranges once you are on the history report page.
With the history report, you can specify an entire date range, and then have the system break that date range down into smaller chunks of time.
This report will then show you a graph of your specified reporting data, for your specified date range:
If you hover your mouse over any of the bars in the histogram that is generated, you will see the exact number that is being plotted for that bar.
All history report data can be downloaded as a .CSV file, by clicking on the "Export" button that will appear, just below the "Run Report" button, once the report has been generated.
History Report Filters:
Plotted Data:
Using the drop down menu, you can select the type of data you want plotted on the history report's histogram.
The type of data you are plotting will change the types of filters that will be available to you, so you should select the type of data you want to plot before moving on to the other data filters.
The Plotted Data that you can select from include:
- Machine Revenue - total value of all transactions at the card readers initiated by a user laundry card or a user mobile account.
This includes laundry machine cycles, vending machine purchases, and Point-of-Sale reader transactions - NOT the VACs.
- Machine Cycles - total number of full cycle machine starts. This will NOT include any Top Off time added to dryers, this only accounts for full cycle machine starts
- Number of Accounts Used - total number of unique customer accounts (unique laundry card/mobile accounts used)
This can be useful for determining the approximate foot traffic for the location
- New Cards Dispensed - total number of new cards dispensed from the VACs
- Payments for Balance - total value of payment from all sources (cash, credit/debit/EBT cards, and online loading)
- Free Starts - total value of all reader transactions that were initiated by a Management card.
This is basically Machine Revenue but for Management cards only
Time Grouping:
This filter determines how much time each bar on the graph will represent.
You can have the system break down the data by the Hour, Day, Week, or Month for any plotted data you select.
Machine Data:
This filter option is dependant on the type of data you have selected under the Plotted Data filter.
This allows you to select between different types of machine groups, ranging from all the machines in your stores, to only a specific group of machines.
The types of groups you can select from will be based on the groups you've setup in your Manage Groups menu. These will be the same groups you see when looking at your Bulk Pricing menu. There are also some custom groups for things like All vending machine readers, POS readers, Door readers, etc.
This filter will only be seen when plotting account related data.
- Card - Only shows laundry card accounts
- Mobile - Only shows mobile app accounts
Payment Data:
This filter will only be seen when plotting payment related data.
- Cash - Only shows Cash payment
- Credit/Debit - Only shows Credit/Debit/EBT payment
- Web - Only shows payments made using online loading (e.g. mobile app payments)
Start Date and End Date/Start Month and End Month:
Depending on the Time Grouping that you select, you will see different date options available to you.
If you select a time grouping higher than daily, you will be prompted to select a date range, and below the dates you select, the system will tell you exactly what starting and ending dates are being used by the system.