Configuration and Settings
Setting Up Promo Code Campaign
Overview A Promo Code campaign allows you to setup a promo code keyword, which allows customers to receive a bonus when redeemed at the Value Add Center (VAC) kiosk. For example, you can setup a keyword FREEWASH5 with a $5 bonus value attached to it. ...
Creating a Time of Day/Week Pricing Discount
For locations that have access to the Time of Day/Week pricing menu, there will be a "Time of Day/Week Pricing" button next to the "$ Bulk Pricing" button on the Laundro Portal's main screen: Note: If you do not see the Time of Day/Week Pricing ...
Configuring Settings in the Value Add Center
There are a number of settings that can be changed in the Value Add Center to control such things as credit card purchases limits, bonuses/promotions, and the cost of a newly dispensed laundry card. To access these settings, log into your Laundro ...
Configuring Vend Prices
In most cases, vend pricing is set through the Laundroworks system using the web Portal. But in some cases, it is the laundry machine that controls the vend pricing directly. The following is a list of machines where vend pricing comes directly from ...
Discount Cards/Administered Accounts
You can configure any regular user card to always have a specified discount off of the currently displayed vend price. For instance, you might have special cards for seniors that give 10% off; or cards for your nightly wholesale customers with 40% ...
Reload Bonuses
You can configure the Value Add Center (VAC) to add an extra bonus value to the laundry card's balance whenever certain value purchase criteria is met. There are several options to control when and how much bonus value is added. Here are just some ...
Free Dry Promotion
Overview With the Free Dry promotion, you enable a secondary balance on the card called Free Dry Balance. When a customer starts a particular washer, that reader adds value to this Free Dry Balance. For example, you can specify that a 60lb washer ...