Getting Started
Card Report
This feature allows you to find all Laundry Cards, or Mobile Accounts, associated with your location, that are currently active. You'll find this report in the last line of the Reports tab, on the right hand side of the Portal as shown below, circled ...
Reporting in the LaundroPortal
Extension reporting is provided by the LaundroPortal. This article discusses some of the more common reports available to you. The time window for the reports starts at 12:00:00am on the selected start date, and ends at 11:59:59pm on the selected end ...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I order more laundry cards? New laundry card orders are made through your dealer. If your dealer requires your Card-ID, this will usually be found on the back-side, in the lower right corner: Contact our support team if you do not know who ...
Management Card and other System cards
System cards refers to cards any card that is not a regular user (or store) card. This includes the Management card, Activation Card, Collection Card. If you misplace any System card, you can create a new one by following the instructions in our ...
Getting Started
There are few important things to know when getting started with the Laundroworks system. Web Portal The Portal is a web-based application used to manage your Laundroworks card system. It provides extensive real-time reporting, and can be used for ...