Creating a Time of Day/Week Pricing Discount

Creating a Time of Day/Week Pricing Discount

For locations that have access to the Time of Day/Week pricing menu, there will be a "Time of Day/Week Pricing" button next to the "$ Bulk Pricing" button on the Laundro Portal's main screen:

Note: If you do not see the Time of Day/Week Pricing button, get in contact with our technical support team.

Clicking on the Time of Day/Week Pricing button, will bring you to the Time of Day/Week Pricing section where you can setup any pricing rule discounts you'd like to run in this store location:

Adding a Pricing Rule:

Click the "+Add Pricing Rule" button to start creating a new pricing rule:

Machine Group:

Select the machine group you would like this pricing rule to apply to. You can select all readers of a certain type (all Washer, all Dryers, etc.) but if you've already setup machine groups, using the Manage Group Section, you will be able to apply discounts to specific machine groups (all 20lb Washers only for example)
You can learn more about how to setup machine groups by reading our article about Configuring Vend Pricing.

Start Day, Start Time, End Day, End Time:
Theses settings control when this pricing rule will automatically activate, and automatically de-activate. The Start and End time options increase in 15 minute increments, starting from 12:00 AM (midnight) and ending at 11:45 PM.

Below are a couple of examples:
If you'd like a discount to run all day every Monday, you'll want to set the Start Day as Monday with a Start Time of 12:00 AM, and an End Day of Tuesday with an End Time of 12:00 AM:

If you'd like a discount to run every weekend, starting Friday nights at 9pm, and ending Sunday nights, at the end of the night, you'll want to set the Start Day as Friday with a Start Time of 9:00 PM, and an End Day of Monday with an End Time of 12:00 AM:

Note: When the system activates, or de-activates, a pricing rule, the system will begin applying the pricing rule to all affected readers 1 at a time. Depending on how many readers the pricing rule needs to control, it may take a few mins for the price change to reflect the discounted rate on all affected readers. The same applies when the system de-activates a pricing rule.

Pricing Mode:

"% Discount" should be selected if you intend on discounting the readers by a specific percentage amount.

"$ Discount" should be selected if you intend on discounting the readers by a specific dollar amount.

"Payment Disabled" should be selected if you want to disable these readers.
This option is usually used when you want to enforce a Last Wash time for the store
Payment disabled does NOT mean the machine is free, it means this reader will not accept any laundry card payments.
The machine, that this reader is installed on, will not be able to be started while payment has been disabled, and Door Access readers will not allow a door to be opened while payment is disabled.

If you would like to set a reader to be free, select the "% Discount" option, and set the discount amount to 100.
Note: Payment disabled does NOT affect Management Cards, only regular user cards.
Management cards will still work with readers that have their payment disabled

Discount Amount:

If the Pricing Mode has been set to "% Discount", this field corresponds to the % off of the regular vend price.
If the Pricing Mode has been set to "$ Discount", this field corresponds to the dollar amount you want to be subtracted from the regular vend price.

Discount Rounding:

If discounting a price results in the price needing to be rounded, you can use this field to decide what the price will be rounded too. Typically you will leave this field at "Penny".
For example: if a reader normally costs $0.99, and you discount it by 50%, the discounted price will technically be $0.495. By rounding to the nearest Penny, the system will round up to the nearest penny, and set the discounted price to $0.50.

Enabled check box:

When setting up a pricing rule, this check box is checked by default.
However, if you would like to setup a pricing rule ahead of time, and therefore do not want it to run during the next Start Day and Start Time, you can un-check the "Enabled" check box.
With this un-checked, the pricing rule will still show up in the Time of Day/Week Pricing menu, but the system will not activate this discount.
Pricing rules can be Enabled, and Disabled, at any time. If you have already setup a pricing rule, and you would like to disable the pricing rule for any reason, you can click on the pencil icon for that pricing rule, and un-check the "Enabled" check box to disable it.

Enabled/Disabled Pricing Rules:

You can tell if a pricing rule is currently enabled, or disabled, by looking at the Enabled column for a check mark.
In the example below, the pricing rule for the Dryers is currently disabled, and the pricing rule for the Washers is currently enabled:

Active/Not-Active Pricing Rules:

You can tell if a pricing rule is currently active in 2 different areas of the Laundro Portal.
When looking in the Time of Day/Week Pricing menu, a currently active pricing rule will have a check mark in the Active column:

When looking at the Laundro Portal's main page, if a pricing rule is currently active, you will see a little price tag symbol next to any reader that currently has a time of day/week pricing discount being applied:

Note: Any readers that are showing a Timeout error, like Washer #59 is in the picture above, are not connected to the VAC's wireless network, and therefore the system will not be able to change the vend pricing for this reader.
Whatever price these readers were displaying, before they disconnected from the VAC's wireless network, will remain stuck at that price.
To correct the pricing of these readers, or to have them work with the time of day/week pricing discount, you need to get them back online first.
See our article for more information on timeout issues: Timeout - check reader/machine

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