Point of Sale (POS) Reader Installation

Point of Sale (POS) Reader Installation

The POS reader is a desktop reader that can be controlled by Point-of-Sale software such as LaundroMAX, TMS/CleanTie, Clean Cloud, or the Point Of Sale Tool within our Portal.
If you're trying to connect one of these packages to the Laundroworks system, ensure you have the actual POS reader, as it is not possible to integrate our system, with a POS system, without one of our POS readers.

Installing the POS Reader

1. Set all positions on the reader's DIP switches to Off (Down), EXCEPT for #8 which should be On.
This will address the reader as POS1 (This is the same process as all card readers, if installing multiple POS readers, you'll want to number them all so you don't have 2 reader's displaying the same POS#).
See this article for more information on how to set the dip switches correctly: Reader DIP Switch settings

2. Connect the provided power adapter

3. Activate the reader using the Activation card

Note: The POS reader is wirelessly networked, just like laundry machine readers. There's no wire that needs to be connected from the POS reader to the POS computer; the communication is through the cloud.

When you log into your Portal account, you should see POS1 in the Machines table for your location:

You should also have a Point Of Sale option listed under the Management Tools section for your location:

Do not proceed to configuring the POS software until you see your POS reader online.
Note: You will NOT see the Point Of Sale menu option in your Management Tools section until you've activated a POS card reader.

Configuring the POS Software

Select the Point Of Sale option found in the Management Tools section. This will take you to a page where you may
- obtain credentials/settings to apply to your external Point-of-Sale software
- test and run basic transactions against your Locations POS Readers
- view records of previous Point Of Sale transactions made 

Clicking the Configuration Settings button will bring up a dialog which will present the Access Settings for your POS System.

Select your POS Provider from the control listing, and you will then be shown the corresponding 
Configurations that would need to be applied to your external Point-of-Sale software in order to link it to your POS System.

Note: If you are unsure where you need to enter the above credentials in your 3rd Party POS system, you will want to contact your POS provider directly.
You may be able to find this information on their website. Below are links the POS provider's support websites that discuss Laundroworks POS reader integration:
Cents POS Integration Instructions
CleanCloud POS Integration Instructions

Running Basic Transactions using the Laundro Portal's Point Of Sales Menu:

To run a basic Transaction against your POS System;
1) Set a Transaction Amount
2) Chose the Command for the Transaction (i.e. Sale)
3) Chose the POS Device 
4) Optionally, write in a Comment to describe the transaction
5) Click Run Transaction

This will then trigger the Transaction to be sent to the POS-Reader, which should then prompt for the
custom Amount within a few seconds;
- At this point a Laundry-User-Card must be presented to the POS-Reader within 30 seconds.
- If a Laundry-User-Card is not presented to the POS-Reader within 30 seconds, the transaction will time out and will be cancelled 
- Once complete, a record of the POS Transaction will be shown in the  Point of Sale Requests table at the bottom of the page
- If the transaction was completed successfully, and the Laundry-User-Card balance was updated, a Record of the transaction will also
appear for the Laundry-User-Card in the MCU-Logs (aka Reader Logs), and in  Card-Tracker

Supported 3rd Party POS Systems

Troubleshooting POS reader issues:

If you are unable to get the POS reader to receive a POS transaction that you've pushed from your 3rd party POS system, try doing the following:

1) First try carrying out a Basic test transaction using the Point of Sale page we provide in the Laundro-Portal.
The instructions for running a Basic test transaction are described above in the "Configuring the POS Software" section of this article.
Running a Basic test transaction bypasses the 3rd party POS system you are using, so the results of this test will let our support team know if the problem is on the Laundroworks side of things as a Basic test transactions, from our Point of Sale page, should always work assuming your POS reader, and VAC01 kiosk, are both online.

2) Try power cycling just the POS Reader itself (unplug it's power cable for 3 seconds, then reconnect it to power) and see if it works after

3) Try rebooting VAC01 specifically.
~ Reason being, is that the POS1 Reader needs to be able to communicate with VAC01, and VAC01 needs to be connected to the internet, showing up as online, and communicating as expected.

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