VAC and Reader Log Operation Glossary

VAC and Reader Log Operation Glossary

Below you will find a glossary of all the different types of operations you will find when viewing the VAC and Reader logs:

VAC Log Operation Types

VAC Log Operation Type
Description of Operation
Cash - New Card
Credit - New Card
These transaction records show a new laundry card that was purchased from a VAC via either a Cash transaction, or a Credit/Debit card transaction
Sale Credit
Sale Credit-XX####
Sale Credit (Credit Card Provider)-XX####
Sale EBT EBT-XX####
Sale ApplePay MasterCard-XX####

the Credit Card Provider will say either Visa, M/C, AMEX, Discover, etc.

if ApplePay was used, you will see "ApplePay" instead of "Credit"

if an EBT payment card was used, you will see "EBT" instead of "Credit"

These are the operations you will see when a Credit Card is used to make a purchase. These types of records show up on payment processing records specifically.
All transaction records that have a blue background indicate those records are the payment processors side of the transaction.

If the credit/debit card transaction does not go through, you will only see "Sales Credit", or Sales Credit-XX#### (Where the 4 #'s are the last 4 digits of the card that was used during the purchase attempt.
If the transaction is approved successfully, you will also see the type of credit card that was used (Visa, M/C, etc.).
When a credit/debit card transaction is approved, you will see 2 records for the same transactions; a blue background transaction record showing the payment processors side of the transaction, and then a corresponding white background transaction record showing the VAC adding that value onto the customer's laundry card:

These operations will show how much bonus value a customer was given as a reload bonus.
You will normally see this transaction records if a customer received a reload bonus while loading value onto an existing laundry card
Cash With Bonus - New Card
Credit With Bonus - New Card
These operations are a combination of a Cash - New Card operation and a Bonus operation, where both the New Card and Bonus operations are shown on a single transaction record.

For example:

The above customer used a Credit card to purchase a new card.
They spent $20 during this credit card purchase, the cost of the new card purchase is $0, but this customer also received a Bonus that awards $1 for each $20 loaded, so after this customer spent $20, they received a laundry card with $21 value loaded onto it.
Cash - Reload
Credit Card - Reload
These operations correspond to any purchase that was used to reload value onto an existing laundry card
Mobile - Value from Online Purchase
This is what you will see whenever a customer loads value onto their LaundryCat Mobile payment App using the online payments available through the App
Mobile - Bonus
These operations will show how much bonus value a customer was given as the result of a reload bonus for LaundryCat App purchases.
You will see these transaction records if a customer received a reload bonus while loading value onto an existing mobile App account.
Mobile - Value from Portal
These operations show value that was loaded onto a mobile app account using a load value operation via the Laundro Portal.
Mobile - Refund
This transaction record shows an automatic refund that was issued back to a LaundryCat user's account because of a failed machine start.
If a machine fails to start and the reader detects that the machine didn't start, the system will automatically refund that value back to the customers mobile account:

In these instances, the system deducted that value from the mobile account once they tapped their phone to the reader, so when the system detected the machine did not start, it automatically refunds that value back to the user's mobile account.
Value Added
Value from Portal
This transaction record is what you will see if you've made a Load Value request via the Laundro Portal, and the customer has picked up the value at one of the kiosks.
VAC01 records will say "Value from Portal", all other VAC## records will just say "Value Added"

the numbers are for the specific management card # that was used during this transaction
This is what you will see when someone uses a Management card at the VAC and dispenses a card from the VAC using the full access PIN of that management card.
The Management card number that is listed under the operations tab is the management card number that was used to dispense that user card from the VAC.
Replacement for lost card
This transaction record is the result of a customer using the Replace Card button on the VAC home screen to have a new laundry card issued to them with the balance of their old, lost laundry card, transferred onto a new laundry card (minus any card replacement fee)
You will see this transaction record whenever a Collection Card is used at a VAC to register a collection

Reader Log Operation Types

Reader Log Operation Type
Description of Operation
Full Cycle
Full Cycle LaundryCat (iOS)
Full Cycle LaundryCat (Android)

Full Cycle PMC Card
These transaction records indicate that a user Laundry Card, or user LaundryCat App account was used to start a full cycle on this machine.

If a Property Management Card is used to start a full cycle, you will see "PMC Card" noted
Top Off
Top Off LaundryCat (iOS)
Top Off LaundryCat (Android)

Top Off PMC Card
Top Off WashLynx (iOS)
These transaction records indicate that a user Laundry Card, or user LaundryCat App account was used to add top off time to this machine's cycle - this is usually seen on Dryer reader records.

If a Property Management Card, or WashLynx App Account is used to add top off time to a machine, you will either see "PMC Card", or "WashLynx" noted
LaundryCat (iOS) - Sale
LaundryCat (Android) - Sale
These records indicates that a user Laundry Card, or user LaundryCat App account, was used to pay for a sales purchase - this is usually seen on POS reader records
LaundryCat (iOS) - Unlock
LaundryCat (Android) - Unlock
PMC Card - Unlock
If a user Laundry Card, or user LaundryCat App Account is used to interact with a Door Access reader, you will see an unlock transaction record showing when this occurred.

If a Property Management Card was used to interact with a Door Access reader, then you will see "PMC Card"

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