Alliance: EDC and DX4 Dryers
This installation covers Alliance dryers with EDC or DX4 controls.
These are older, pulse-based dryers. Common model numbers include JT0300, ST0300, HTT30NEC.
Assign numbers to each machine in the location
Before proceeding, you should assign numbers to each of the machines in the laundry room/building.
It is highly recommended that you place number labels on each washer and dryer machine.
Configure the reader's DIP switchesSet the machine type and machine number using the DIP switch on the back of the Reader's circuit board:

See our
DIP switch settings articleto understand how to configure DIP switch positions to set the machine type (washer or dryer) and number.
Turn machine power OFF!
Remove the Coin Drop (Card ONLY installs)
Open the service hatch, pull-out the control board and coin drop assembly, detach the coin drop connector and remove the coin drop.
IF you are installing a reader in a Hybrid Coin+Card payment configuration, you should not remove the coin drop from the machine.
Connecting the reader's Start Signal wires
Splice the two Start wires (Green and White) from the reader's cable harness to the Red and White wires on the existing coin-drop cable harness
(it makes no difference which wires get spliced - it's an open/close relay)

Note: For
Hybrid Coin+Card Installation (Start Signal Wiring)
If you are installing our readers in a hybrid configuration, you will NOT be removing the coin drop.
Instead, you will need to wire up the card reader IN SERIES with the coin drop's WHITE wire
Cut the White Coin Drop wire so it no longer goes directly to the machine's control board.
Connect 1 end of the Coin Drop's White wire to the WHITE wire on the card reader's wiring harness
Connect the other end of the Coin Drop's White wire to the GREEN wire on the card reader's wiring harness:

Power supply connection
If the two options listed below are not clear based on the equipment you have, do NOT proceed.
Please contact Laundroworks support if you're unable to get power to the reader using 1 of the 2 options below:
Option 1: If you were provided with a 12V power adapter and if your cable harness has a mating power jack, then use this power adapter for reader power
(connect the AC side of the power supply to either an outlet, or to 120/240 inside the machine after cutting off the AC prong).
Option 2 (EDC Gen2 ONLY): For EDC Gen2 dryers, the dryer control board gets 24Vac power from an external transformer. You can simply splice into those wires for the reader power.
So if you were NOT provided with a 12V power adapter, and you're dealing with a Gen2 dryer (like JT0300), then splice the power wires from the reader's harness (red and blue) to the white and red/white wires corresponding to pins 2 and 3 on connector H4 on the EDC control (these wires should 24Vac across them - use a multimeter to confirm!!):

Activate the card readerPower On the machine. The reader display should display the message" Not Activated".
Place this store location's Activation card onto the reader to activate it.
This activates the reader and programs the reader with the customer and location ID information.
The reader should automatically connect to the wireless networked hosted by VAC #1 specifically. If VAC01 is already online, this reader should become visible on the web Portal where you can configure vend prices:

Vend Prices
These are set on the LaundroPortal.
See our article: Configuring Vend Prices
On these machines, the price you configure via the Laundro Portal will change the price that's displayed on the reader's display ONLY.
You will also need to adjust the prices on the machine directly in order to have the price being displayed by the machine to match what's being displayed on the reader.
The vend price that is charged to a customer's laundry card is ALWAYS the price that's being display on the reader's display.
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