Deducting Value / Changing the Balance of a Laundry Card

Deducting Value / Changing the Balance of a Laundry Card

On Value Adding Centers (VACs) equipped with a touch screen, you can use a Management Card to access the Change Balance operation directly at the VAC Kiosk.
You can use the Change Balance feature to adjust the balance of a user's Laundry Card.
Note: This feature is only available on VACs that use a 2nd Generation "VAC4" control board
(this will be a VAC control board that is black in colour)

1st Generation "VAC3" control boards (green/blue in colour) do not have this functionality:

Deducting Value from a Laundry Card

You will need the following, in order to complete a Change Balance operation:

 - A VAC kiosk equipped with a touch screen
 - A Management Card, and the Full Access PIN for it
 - The physical user's Laundry Card that you want to change the balance of

Step 1:
Place your Management card into the VAC card holder
and enter the full access PIN for that management card:

Step 2:
Select the Add/Change Balance option from the Management screen:

Depending on your VAC's software version
this option may be labelled as Balance and Usage:

Note: If you've used the Limited Access PIN, instead of the Full Access PIN, you will NOT see the Add/Change Balance option.
If you are using the Full Access PIN, and you still do not see the Balance and Usage option, contact our technical support team

Step 3:
The VAC will ask you to remove the management card, and replace it with the user's Laundry Card, that you want to change the balance of:

Step 4:
Once the system detects the user's Laundry Card, it will display the User Card Management screen.
Select the Change Balance option from this screen:

Step 5:
On the following screen, enter the correct balance for this laundry card, then click the Change Balance button:

Once you've clicked the Change Balance button, the system will update the balance of this card, display a message saying "Balance Changed!", and then it will return to the same change balance screen, but you will see that the Balance field will now be showing the updated balance of this card:

From here, you can simply remove the user's Laundry Card to return the VAC to it's home/idle screen.

Adding Value to a Laundry Card

You can also add value to a laundry card using the Change Balance operation (you would just change the balance to a higher amount)
but there is also a dedicated Add Value operation we recommend using instead:

There is no difference between using the Change Balance operation, or the Add Value operation, when adding value to a laundry card
but only the Change Balance operation can be used if you need to remove value from a laundry card.

Unlike with removing value from a laundry card, it is possible to make a load value request to add value to a laundry card that you do not physically have with you.

For information on how to add value to a laundry card remotely
review our article: Adding Value and Loading Cards
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