Adding Value and Loading Cards

Adding Value and Loading Cards

As the operator, you can add value to a laundry card balance in one of two ways:
1) Using the web Portal
2) Directly at the Value Add Center with a Touch screen

Using the Portal

You can add funds to the laundry card balance (or mobile account balance) from the Portal.

This can be done by the Card Tracker page via the "Load Value" tab or the Load Card Value page under Management tools as shown below.
IMPORTANT: After making the add funds request for a laundry card, the laundry card NEEDS to be physically placed into the card holder of the Value Add Center. The value will NOT be added to the card until this step is taken. Only then will the VAC automatically add the requested funds to the card's balance. 

Card Tracker

This feature allows you to look up a Customer's account using the 10-digit laundry card or mobile account number. You can also search by the registered email address, phone number.
This is generally the preferred way to load cards as it is considered easier.
Note that you can only look up customers with their email and phone number if they registered their card with their information.

Once you find the Customer Card you're looking for it will take you to the usage report tab.
Click on the Load Value tab which is available to the right of the usage tab as shown in the picture below. This page will allow you to make a load card request for that particular card. Simply input the amount you want to load and click on "Make Request".

Once you've made the request, in the "Recent Card Load Requests" section at the bottom of this page, you will see the status of this request listed as pending:

When the request has been uploaded to your VACs, you will see the status of this request change to say it's "Ready for Pickup":

Once you see ready for pickup, you can instruct the card holder to take this laundry card to a VAC kiosk, and place it into the VAC card holder to check the balance of this card.
The VAC will then see that a load value request is pending for this card number, and it will add the value to this card automatically.

You can confirm that the value was indeed added to the card by checking the Status of the request.
You should now see that the status has changed from "Ready for Pickup" to "Applied to Card":

Note: If loading value onto a Mobile account, once you've clicked the make request button, the value will be immediately added to the mobile account

Load Card Value

This feature takes you directly to the Load card page for your location. You must know the customer's card number to proceed. If you don't know, please use the Card Tracker as mentioned above or look up the number on the back of the actual card if available.

You will have the option to add to balance. You may also add to "free balance" by selecting from the drop down menu of the Card Load option shown on the image below, if you have Free Dry balance option enabled for that location. For more on this please see : Free Dry Promotion

Simply input the amount you want to load and click on "Make Request".
After a request is made, the status will change from "pending" to "Ready to pickup". 
The status would remain at "ready to pick up" until that card is used on a VAC at the assigned location, or the request is removed from the recent card request section.
Whenever a request is made, It will populate the recent card request section and procure the status of the load transaction as shown below:

Status definitions

Waiting for the request to be uploaded to the Value Add Center. It's usually takes a few seconds.
Ready for Pickup 
Your request has been successfully uploaded to the Value Add Center. You or customer can place card on the Value Add Center, which will automatically add the requested amount to the balance
Applied to Card
The value has been successfully applied to the laundry card
Removal Pending
Waiting to upload the request to remove a load request. 
The load request has been removed. 

Loading Mobile Account

Loading a Mobile account can be done the same way from Card Tracker or Load Card Value page.
For Mobile, the funds are added to the balance immediately after the request is made.
Whereas with laundry cards, the card needs to be placed into the VAC's card holder to finally get the requested funds applied to the card's balance.

Difference between Card Tracker and Load Card Value
  1. Card Tracker allows you to look up a customer's card by using their email or phone number if they have it registered but Load Card Value requires you to know the card number. 

  2. Card Tracker shows the recent card load requests for the particular card whereas Load Card Value shows all recent card requests for that location

  3. Card Tracker feature allows you to look at usage report for a card, make Load Value requests, register or change User Information to the card and even the option to Ban that card whereas Load Card value page is simply to make load card requests.

Loading directly at Value Add Center

You can use your Management card to access the administration menu of the Value Add Center kiosk (Kiosk must have a touch screen)

1. Put your Management Card into the card holder
2. Enter its 4-digit full access PIN (you can obtain the access PIN for each management card using the Portal).
See here for learn how to get the PIN: Management Card and other System cards
3. Press Balance and Usage
4. Replace the Management card with a User card that you want to add value to a
5. Enter the Amount and Press Add Value